April 2021 - COVID-19 vaccine awareness
To Our Valued Employees,
The global pandemic has tested the world and our company in many unprecedented ways. Fortunately, the multiple vaccines that have been approved for use offer us hope that we will be able to finally turn the tide against COVID-19 and get back to our lives.
I have already received my first vaccine dose, and our Chief Operating Officer, Alicia Barker is fully vaccinated. I encourage all of you to schedule your vaccine as soon as it is available. Vaccines are the way back to many of the things that we miss most, like spending time with loved ones and friends, collaborating at work, traveling, and going to concerts and sporting events. As more of us get vaccinated, that will provide the safety and protection that will allow our economies to fully reopen.
As an employee of Staffing 360 Solutions and any of our brands, the strength of the company and your health and safety are our top priorities. We know that COVID-19 vaccines save lives. We also understand that vaccines require trust, transparency, and accountability. That’s why Staffing 360 Solutions has committed to share information about COVID-19 vaccines from the NHS, CDC, and other trusted sources, to not only answer your questions but to ensure you feel comfortable receiving your vaccination.
Vaccines will help end the pandemic, but only if we continue to wear our masks; keep our social distance; stay home when we’re feeling sick, and wash our hands to keep everyone safe.
I want you to know that it’s okay to have questions. We are committed to making sure you feel safe and supported. If you have questions about vaccines, I hope you will start a conversation with your doctor or healthcare provider. If you have questions about any of the information you are receiving from Staffing 360 Solutions or anything else related to vaccines and our healthcare benefits, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your local Human Resources representative. We want to hear from you.
As COVID-19 vaccines become available to more individuals over the coming months, Staffing 360 Solutions will continue to provide information about ways we are supporting employees and removing barriers to vaccination.
In the meantime, please continue to protect the health and safety of yourself and each other.
Respectfully yours,
Brendan Flood
Chief Executive Officer and President